Norjalaispanimo Lervig Aktiebryggerilta maistoon 4 -prosenttinen session IPA nimeltään House Party.
Panimon sivuilta lainattua:
”We have long winters and short summers in Norway where we often daydream of being in an island paradise. But usually we just end up at a friend’s house party all night long… And what we drink is House Party – the super-clean malt allows the hops to give their juicy/tropical fruit flavours an unobstructed pathway to your palate. It comes in a can, and it’s completely crushable.”
- Panimo: Lervig Aktiebryggeri
- Panimon sivut: https://lervig.no/
- Maa: Norja
- Oluttyyli: Session IPA
- Prosentit: 4,0 %
- Humalat: Citra ja Bru-1
Mistä: Olut saatu. Saatavilla hyvin varustetuista K-ryhmän kaupoista.
Pisteet: 35/50
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Google Play – Pint Please
App Store – Pint Please